Wednesday 8 July 2015

How do pumpkin vanilla ice cream delicious

How do pumpkin vanilla ice cream delicious, nutritious. Pumpkin is a fruit which has high nutrient welding with very large amounts of vitamin A present with vanilla ice cream will give you cool and nutritious.
This summer you can cook tasty dishes for family and loved ones to enjoy. If you are a beginner so please try the delicious banana cream all the way to have a hot summer dish award ^. ^
cách làm kem chuối ngon

Here I will demonstrate how to make pumpkin vanilla ice cream delicious for summer Directorate offline.
How do pumpkin vanilla ice cream simple
Choose ingredients for pumpkin vanilla ice cream
- 250ml milk
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 1 vanilla, split
- 2.5g salt
- 65g sugar
Pumpkin powder without sugar: 450 grams
Without these you can replace it with roasted pumpkin and milling was filed out,
- 6 egg yolks
- 4g vanilla
- 30g cinnamon
- 2.5 g nutmeg powder
- 2.5 g lilac powder
- 2.5 g of powdered ginger
Practice how to make pumpkin vanilla ice cream

Step 1
For milk, sugar, salt and 1 cup cream into the pan and heat.
Clean vanilla to the mixture is heated on the stove, cover and turn off the stove region. Then, to the mixture to cool for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Làm nóng hỗn hợp nguyên liệu 1
Heating the mixture of materials 1
Step 2

Remove the remaining cream with sieve sieve to filter into one large bowl (the bowl should be large enough to hold all the ingredients for ice cream later coz we will put all the ingredients in this bowl).

Step 3
For every 1 egg yolk in a large bowl beat them

DDánh tan lòng đỏ trứng gà
Beat egg yolk
Slowly the yolks to the mixture was heated above step 1. Rough sized stirring to dissolve all mixed together. Meanwhile, the moderate fire,
Boil and stir until the mixture could match stick ladles
Khuấy đều hỗn hợp đến khí sánh lại
Stir the mixture to the gas constant

Step 4
Let mixture boil on medium meeting sieve sieve. Filter the mixture into a bowl of ice cream is available in step 2. Stir to dissolve all the components together.
Lọc và khuấy đều các hỗn hợp vào nhau

Filter and stir the mixture together
Step 5

For added vanilla, coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, pumpkin, ginger into the bowl mix in step 4

Cho tất cả nguyên liệu còn lại đẻ đánh tan cùng nhau
For all remaining ingredients together lay smashed
Stir the mixture to cool. can put the mixture into the bowl containing ice or cold water pot to stir faster than cold.
Hỗn hợp sau khi trộn đều
Mixed after mixed
Step 6

Pour into sealed containers stored in a refrigerator for 2 hours and then taken out and made into ice cream machine and follow the instructions.
In case you do not have ice cream if you can do the following: to the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then removed any stir. do so 3 times is
Kem bí ngô hương ani
Pumpkin vanilla ice cream
And here is the result of vanilla ice cream cool pumpkin nutritious.
Note the pumpkin vanilla ice cream
Have you noticed we have 2 little nhé ingredients are vanilla vanilla vanilla and 4 grams offline. in step 1 we use vanilla and in step 5 we use 4 grams vanilla offline.
Raw pumpkin when making vanilla ice cream you can choose to be commercially available powdered pumpkin or without flour, you can bake pumpkin chin to grind also
Nutritional characteristics
Pumpkin is considered the gold by pumpkin food contains many vitamins and minerals essential to the health of the body, helps lose weight effectively, good for the heart, good for the bones and eyes, good for the heart, enhance immunity to the body.
You see the pumpkin ice cream was not simply a refreshing ice cream summer food but also one very good nutritious food for health and beauty process, the sisters lose weight ahead.
Hopefully making pumpkin flavor Vanilla cream helped you to be able to create an amazing ice cream

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